Sesame Seeds

  • Sesame originated in India and is one of the oldest spices known. It has a nutty sweet aroma with rich, milk-like buttery taste. After roasting, the white seeds become golden colored and acquire a delicate almond like flavor. Black sesame has a stronger, earthier and nuttier taste.

More about Sesame Seeds

Main chemical content:
Fixed Oil content – 45 – 65% (highest oil content of any seed)
It has antioxidant properties due to sesamol.
White sesame seeds are used whole to add texture to bread and rolls, biscuits, crackers, pastries,cooking oils, salad dressings and margarine. Untoasted white sesame seeds are ground to make a paste called tahini (sesame butter). Tahini is also used as a spread for pita breads, a dip for vegetables, fruits and sauce in cooking. Black sesame seeds are popular in Japanese and Chinese cooking.
Gujarat, Rajasthan, UP & MP-winter crop
Andhra Pradesh & Gujarat -summer crop.
October – November (Winter crop)
May – June (Summer crop)

1. Natural White Sesame
Natural white sesame – 95 / 5 (Mainly used for grounding)
Natural white sesame – 98 / 2 / 2
Natural white sesame – 99 / 1 / 1
Natural white sesame – 99 / 1 / 99.90 (Machine clean)
Natural white sesame – 99 / 1 / 99.95 (Sortexed)
2. Hulled Sesame
Hulled sesame sortexed – 99.95% purity
Hulled sesame semi premium – 99.97% purity
Hulled sesame premium – 99.98% purity
3. Black Sesame
Black sesame sortexed 99 / 1 / 99.95
Jet Black sortexed 99 / 1 / 99.95.
Packing Available: 15 Kgs, 25 Kgs, 50 Kgs Jute Bags.